1.0 Loan Transactions

In this module, all details regarding the loans requested will be present. The menu location for this module is as follows, 

Human Resource Management > Loan Management > Loan Transaction 

Upon selecting this subsection of the Loan Management module, a page as the above display will appear which essentially constitutes a list of all loans requested. The list will contain details of the loan type, effective date, and so on. 

In order to find a particular employee's loan, you will be able to do so by clicking on the Filter icon located on the top left corner of the page. 

If you are to add a new employee's loan details, you will be able to add their respective details by clicking on the '+' icon which is located on the Top Left side of the page. 

2.0 Create Loan Entry 

Once you have selected the option to add a new loan entry, you will be redirected to a new page that presents a form to be filled. Below are details of each field in the form, 

· Select employee name and loan type (mandatory)

 · If you have bank information can enter (not mandatory)

· Enter the amount of the loan to be applied

· Enter the installment amount and number of installment

· Select interest rate type (mandatory)

· Enter interest percentage (%)

· Warning: please note that the details cannot be altered once the salary process has been approved. 



For an extensive tutorial on Loan Transaction please click on the link below, 

Session 15 - BLUE LOTUS 360 HRM | Loan Transaction Demo Training Video Series