1. Non Movement Stock Report


You can get what are the non-movement stock items, quantity, cost price and the total cost amount by date range, project wise, item category wise and location wise. It can be filter by following things,

From Date – To select from date

To Date – To select from date  

Project – To select project   

Item Category 1 – To select item category 1

Item Category 2 - To select item category 2

Item Category 3 - To select item category 3 Item Category 4 - To select item category 4

Location – To select location


 2. Pending On Loan Report

Under the Inventory Management there is a form is call on loan issue. After some date period, it need to be return by using on loan return. Pending Onloan Report shows the on loan issue that are no return.

From Date – To select from date

To Date – To select to date   

Item – To select item   

Address – To select sales rep, customer address

Location – To select location that onloan issue

Serial No – To enter serial number  

               10.2.3.      GIN Registry Report

GIN means Goods Issue Note. It use to issue goods from the stores to customers. We can get list of GIN by using this report. It can be filter by following criteria.

Frm Dt – To select from date  

To Dt – To select to date

Item – To select item

Project – To select project

Account – To select customer account

Item Cat 1 – To select item category 1

Item Cat 2 – To select item category 2

Location – To select the store

Doc No – To enter document number


By clicking the + button you can expand the heading. After that, it will show the breakdown for each heading. By click on the green colour + button, it will expand the whole report. By clicking on the like red colour + buttons, it will expand one by one. 


               3. GRN Registry Report

GRN means Goods Received Note. It use to enter received goods from supplier. We can get list of GRN by using this report. It can be filter by following criteria.

Frm Dt – To select from date  

To Dt – To select to date

Item – To select item

Project – To select project

Account – To select customer account

Item Cat 1 – To select item category 1

Item Cat 2 – To select item category 2

Location – To select the store

Doc No – To enter document number

By clicking the + button you can expand the heading. After that, it will show the breakdown for each heading. By click on the green colour + button, it will expand the whole report. By clicking on the like red colour + buttons, it will expand one by one.

               4. Stock As At With Serial Numbers Report

If you use the serial numbers, you can get as at today item wise serial number that are available in the stores. It can be get location wise.

Item – Select item that serial number use

Location – To select relevant location


               5. Item Wise Stock Age Analysis Report


You can get stock item list that stores have and that sold. It will clarified by date ranges. It can be filter as follows,

As At Date – To select what date do you need to get report

Item – To select item

Project – To select project

Item Cat 1- To select item category 1 do you need to get report category that under the item category 1

Item Cat 2 – To select item category 2 do you need to get report category that under the item category 2   

Item Type – To select item type to get item type wise age analysis

Location – To select location you need to get age analysis by location wise

By clicking the + button you can expand the heading. After that, it will show the breakdown for each heading. By click on the green colour + button, it will expand the whole report. By clicking on the like red colour + buttons, it will expand one by one

               6. Material Issue Report

Under the Production Management, use material issue from to issue materials from the stores to manufacturing location. You can get list of material issues.  

From Date – To select from date

To Date – To select to date

From Location – To select store location

To Location – To select manufacturing location

Tran No – To enter material issue number

               Doc No – To enter document number                                                  

By clicking the + button you can expand the heading. After that, it will show the breakdown for each heading. By click on the green colour + button, it will expand the whole report. By clicking on the like red colour + buttons, it will expand one by one. 


               7. Re Order Report

Re Order Report shows what are the items that should be order. It can get by item wise item type wise as well as the location wise.

            Date – Select as at date

            Item – To select item do you need to check

            Item Type – To select item type to check what item need to order

Location – To select location what are the items do you need to order to relevant location




                                       8. Serial Number Details Report

You can get serial number details with transaction type

 for given date period by using this period. That is not stock balance all the serial number that date period available.

            From Date – To select from date

            To Date – To select to date  

            Item – To select item that you need to check serial numbers

            Project – To select project you need to check available serial number

            BU – To select business unit  

            Location – To select the store or outlet

Tran Type – To select transaction type to get details of serial number with that transaction type

            Tran No – To enter transaction number  

            Serial Number – To enter serial number that you need to check



               9. SRN Registry Report

You can get Service Received Note list fro given date period by using this report. It also filter by using following criteria,

From Date – To select from date

To Date – To select to date

Item – To select item

Project – To select project

Account – To select customer account

Item Type – To select item type which are trading, service and etc

Location – To select the store

Doc No – To enter document number


10. Stock Age Analysis Report

Stock age analysis same with the Item Wise Stock Age Analysis Report. Only one advantage. That is you can define the number of days. You can get stock item list that stores have and that sold. It will clarified by date ranges. It can be filter as follows,

            Date – To select as at date  

            Item – To select needed item

            Project – To select relevant project

        Item Type – To select item type, which are trading, services, consumable and so on

            Location – To select relevant location

            No of Days 1 – To select number of days for 1st column

No of Days 2 – To select number of days for 2nd column

No of Days 3 – To select number of days for 3rd column

No of Days 4 – To select number of days for 4th column




11. Location Wise Stock As At with Cost Price Report

It can be get location wise stock balance for given date by item wise, item type as well as the item category wise with cost price.

            AsAt Date – To select date

            Item – To select item   

            Location – To select store or the outlet

            Item Type - To select item type which are service, trading, fixed assets or etc

            Item Category 1 – To select item category under the item category 1              Item Category 2 – To select item category under the item category 2


12. Project Wise Stock As At with Cost Price & Sales Price

It can be get project wise stock balance for given date by item wise, item type as well as the item category wise with cost price.

            AsAt Date – To select date

            Item – To select item  

            Project – To select project

            Item Category 1 – To select item category under the item category 1

            Item Category 2 – To select item category under the item category  

            Item Type - To select item type which are service, trading, fixed assets or etc              Location – To select store or the outlet 


13. Stock Variance Report


               14. Stock As At - Quantity Report



You can get stock balance to as at date by using following criteria.

            At At Date – To select date you need to get stock balance

            Item – To select item do you need to know the balance

            Project – To select the project

            BU – To select the needed business unit

            Item Category - To select item category under the each item category  

            Location – To select store or the outlet

            Hide Zero Qty – By tick this flag you can hide the all zero balance items 

               15. Stock As At with Sales Price Report

You can get stock balance to as at date with sales price by using following criteria.

            At At Date – To select date you need to get stock balance

            Item – To select item do you need to know the balance

            Project – To select the project

            BU – To select the needed business unit

            Item Category - To select item category under the each item category  

            Location – To select store or the outlet

            Hide Zero Qty – By tick this flag you can hide the all zero balance items 






               16. Stock Ledger Report

You can get stock opening balance, receipts, issues and the closing balance for given date period. It can filter,

            From Date – To select from date

            To Date – To select to date

            Item – To select item  

            Project – To select project

Task – To select task you need to get task wise stock movement

            Item Category 1 – To select item category under the item category 1

            Item Category 2 – To select item category under the item category  

            Item Type - To select item type which are service, trading, fixed assets or etc              Location – To select store or the outlet


By clicking the + button you can expand the heading. After that, it will show the breakdown for each heading. By click on the green colour + button, it will expand the whole report. By clicking on the like red colour + buttons, it will expand one by one.